
Monday, November 29, 2010

Another fucking Monday

This one we knew was gonna be bad from the get-go, following a 4-day weekend and all. The intensity of our Mondays is directly proportionate to the amount of time we've had off. With a normal weekend, mild to moderate intensity/cacophony; a 3-day weekend, moderate to severe; and a 4-day weekend: Hiroshima.

The line of clients was out the door for much of the day, and the phones didn't stop ringing the whole time I was there. Fortunately, the morning switchboard person doesn't know me yet, or just has other designated people to transfer calls to, so my a.m. experience is relatively quiet(except of course for those folks who know my phone extension- and like a dummy, I give it out to people I think need my help). But the afternoon lady now knows me, or has been directed to start sending me calls, so my p.m. time is spent pretty much non-stop on the phone.

I am compensated for my efforts, and helping the multitudes is what we're there to do. So I'm not complaining as if all this shouldn't be happening. Or that I shouldn't be the one doing it. But it is draining, especially on Monday. I resisted the urge to pound a few Coronas tonight, opting instead to catch a movie with the standard movie snacks(Groundhog Day, with popcorn and Coke--as in Coca-Cola). True, I would feel "better" with a couple beers in me, but I'd feel worse tomorrow. Tomorrow is slated to be another rainy shitty day just like today, so a hangover is not the cherry I'd want to put on top.

Another fucking Monday. I'm glad to have the job I have, and there are aspects of my job that I truly enjoy- as daygigs go. Monday morning ain't one of them though. The beginning of the workweek is a jarring experience by itself, even a beautiful sunny day following a normal 2-day weekend(those you can somehow make more "purposeful"), but a rainy shitty day following a 4-day holiday weekend just has too many minuses in there.

Well it's not fatal, or even injurious. Just irritating and draining. A Corona would really hit the spot, but that's the problem. Trying to hold off until Friday evening as far as that goes, when the whole workweek is in the books. But at least Monday is out of the way for a whole week. Four more days remain until another blessed weekend, this one just a 2 day'er. But then that's the same principle as drinking Corona early in the week: a 3-day weekend would feel "better", but then worse next Monday.

Four more days.

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