
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Extreme Leisure

" When I got up this morning, it looked so nice out that I decided to just leave it out all day".

I don't know which comedian came up with that line(my money'd be on a Vaudeville or Borscht Belt performer), but they hit the nail on the head here. "It" is safely tucked in my pants, but everything else is hanging out..

And of course that's the beauty of one's "days off", those days of such total repose that you don't even have to get out of your pajamas(or whatever it is that you just slept in). You don't have to go anywhere or do anything or see anyone, so there's no need to change anything about yourself from the minute you roll out of the sack.

I took this principle to the extreme the morning I took this picture(haven't got the dog quite able to take pictures for me on my cel phone). Granted, I may not be a lot better-groomed than this on workdays, but it's exactly what I woke up with, what I looked like the minute I was out of bed. And being one of those blessed Saturdays which required no action on my part, I left the hair looking just like you're seeing it here for the whole live-long day.

Likewise my beard on these weekend days. I cut myself some slack on the shaving on at least one day in there, the whole one-less-thing-to-fuck-with idea(one of the tenets of the Philosophy of Extreme Leisure). The resulting stubble can look good on you, if you're under 40. As you get older, the look seems to have diminishing returns. By the time you get to be my age(mid 50's), you most definitely don't look cool with a day or two's beard on your face. You look homeless.

So that was one of my days of Extreme Leisure. I should add here, perhaps, that aside from occasionally letting the hair and beard go their ways I am otherwise at least a hygienic slob. Baths are still taken and teeth still brushed. Otherwise, a not-so-leisurely experience for the nasal passages. Even extreme leisure has its limits. Moderation in all things- including moderation..

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