
Monday, December 13, 2010

Bernie Madoff with our money

I've got a number of harebrained ideas which I've been intending to flesh out into blogs, but never seem to have the wherewithal to sit down and do it. At least not yet anyway. So the stuff I do put in here is more of the extemporaneous, seat-of-the-pants kinda writing. At least so far anyway.

So here we are on another Monday. As you know, I don't like Monday much. It marks the end of a weekend I was usually just getting into, and the beginning of that five-day stretch we like to call the workweek. It means I gotta get up at a certain time and go do stuff I make the best of but probably wouldn't do if I didn't need the money.

But, yeah, I try and make the best of not only Monday but the whole workweek. I mean, why not? It is by its very existence another chance to get it right(whatever it may be to you), and as long as you've got a job you gotta go to, the week has to start sometime.

And I even try to dress it up a bit. Monday, for the past couple weeks, has been movie night here in the Roundly house. Didn't feel like tacking on any weekly raiment to Monday this time out, as either movie night or no beer night(abstinence from cerveza was another novelty feature). So I'm drinking a beer and not watching a movie. I did start a strict no-beer policy for the workweek, but after a few such weeks have figured fuck it. I'm already pretty moderate in my habits. Moderation in all things, including moderation.

One thing that happened today at work, one of the few that stuck in my mind, was that I helped someone- a co-worker- spell diarrhea. Actually I fucked it up, thinking it was diahrrea. Close but no cigar. So shoot me- I was thinking phonetically, putting that h in the wrong place. I've got the correct spelling down now, but if not, as a mnemonic, I could use Rhea Perlman(although it would certainly 'discolor' my impression of her..).

Well anyway, it ended up sparking another- yes, yet another of Rog's groaners:

Rog's Dictionary defines Diarrhea of the Mouth as Irritable Vowel Syndrome.

I have another blog somewhere in the Annals of Rog which has a few of these. Seems like it's actually called Groanerz if memory serves. Something in there that will probably make you laugh, or cringe, or both.

And that's another thing that gets me through Mondays, besides Cinema Sans Cerveza or Beer n' Blog(choosing the latter option tonight), coming up with a goofyass quip like the diarrhea one, or the one last Monday about Alice B's "Toklas" brownies. Maybe there'll be a quip every week now, every Monday. At least until I get tired of quips. Or just plain can't think of one.

Well that's my array of diversions, at any rate. Weekly palliatives for the Castor Oil that is Monday morning. But then, every week I get a new shot at "getting it right", as it were. At making Rog the best he can be(especially as far as being his most relaxed and peaceful, something we Roundlys don't come by naturally), which, yes, also includes how he treats his fellow humans as well as all that creature-gratification stuff.

We humans can and do perform atrocious acts, like tripping football players on their way out to the field and swindling people out of billions of dollars(you were wondering when, if ever, I was gonna tie this in), but we can at least work on ourselves.Try and get better. I'm sure there are things I never will get "right", no matter how many Mondays I have to work with, but what the hell.

For better or worse, it looks like I've survived another one.

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