
Monday, December 06, 2010

mortar cum

For some odd reason, my medium of expression lately has been writing. As in words. As in blogs. Particularly here at good old Roger U Roundly, though I've posted new stuff on my other blogsites. Normally I'm a musician first and foremost as far as what comes outa me, expression-wise. So it's unusual for me to concentrate on blogging like this.

I have had some musical ideas brewing, but they seem to be just below the skin- subcutaneous soundz, as it were. Not quite rising to the surface but definitely swimming around down there. As soon as they become- well, cutaneous, I guess, I'll put them into some sorta format-either on recording or on paper, or both.

But I've definitely been concentrating my energies on writing in here these days, as you can see from the increased volume of blogs. (Loud suckers, too!)Seriously though, I've got a couple more blog ideas I'm working on, which will find their way in here in the near-future.

Thanks for reading. More to come.

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