
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Medicated Foo'

As far as physical infirmity goes, illness is to me what snow is to the State of Georgia(or Texas): we don't see it very often, so when we do we tend to over-react. This has been such a year: Cataracts and High Blood Pressure, with a touch of Anxiety in there. So at present I'm on six different medications: two for blood pressure(Nadolol and Lisonipril), one for anxiety(Lorazepam as needed), and three for my eyes.

To one who's been basically healthy his whole life, this seems like a daunting array of meds. The two blood pressure pills and the Lorazepam are taken first thing in the morning and the eyedrops throughout the day. Two of the drops are done 3x daily and the third 4 times at this juncture. Since both eyes have now been operated on, the post-operative procedure is to do the first two meds 3x per day until they run out and continue the third for an additional seven weeks: 4x daily for 4 weeks, then 3x daily for a week, then twice a day for a week, then once daily for the seventh and final week. My right eye(which had surgery on March 1st) will be done with these meds on April 19th and my left eye(which had its surgery on March 15th)will be done on May 3rd.

Not much to doing the eyedrops, although I have had to refine my technique, particularly with the left eye. The right eye is comparatively easier, since I'm left-handed and thus put the drops in with that hand. I just have to remember to tilt my head all the way back and hold the dropper just outside my field of vision for it to go right in. Maybe a bit like dropping bombs from an airplane. Still, May 3rd will be a most happy day.

The blood pressure stuff may well continue indefinitely, but is a much easier ritual since I don't have to guage distance. Basically a 'down the hatch' process, and all done in the morning. But I must say, the blood pressure is coming down, from the astronomical reading at my first Doctor's visit.

It has helped me get over much of my 'white coat-itis', but I'm awfully tired of Doctor's visits. I've now had them on January 25th(regular Doctor), February 14th(Opthalmologist), Feb.15th(Doctor), Feb 22nd(Doctor), Feb 23(Opthalmologist), Feb. 28(Doctor), March 1st(surgery, right eye), March 2nd(Opthalmologist), March 9th(Opthalmologist), March 15th(surgery, left eye), March 16th(Opthalmologist), March 19th(Optometrist), March 21st(Optometrist again), March 23rd(Opthalmologist), and finally back to my regular Doctor on the 28th.

At least through all this I have what appears to be pretty good vision in both eyes, and blood pressure that's not yet at an optimal point but decidedly lower than what I started with. Hopefully the leash will loosen in these coming months and I can just check in periodically with these folks. About then, it'll be time to see the Dentist.

I have a feeling that all this is just a part of being over 50, and I might as well start getting used to it. At least my array of health care professionals are cool to deal with. Looks like I'll be seeing more of them in the next couple decades..

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