
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Radial Depressurization

"Sir, do you know anything about cars?"
"Well, uh, no.."
"That's not a flat tire, it's radial depressurization. Gonna run you about 900 dollars. "

2008 was my epic year of auto repairs. And I always seemed to go to the same Service Center, who pretty much always overcharged me(or had me get services I really didn't need). They did and do good work, and they're conveniently located and nice enough to give you a ride to and from your workplace. But every time out, it was the same spiel: "Oh Mr Roundly, it looks bad. We could give you the cheap deal and fix it temporarily for $300.00 or we could give you the deluxe fix for $550.00 and really get it taken care of".

A time or two in there I did opt for the deluxe service, before realizing that it was the same song-and-dance every time out. So I had to get firm about it: no, thank you very much, just fix the motherfucker for as little dinero as is possible!

Today I had a problem with a nail that'd poked my right front tire. She was deflating fast, and as I'm planning to go out tonight, something that had to be attended to today. So I decided to give them another shot, since this was a relatively quick fix. The manager was very nice, remembered my name right off--not surprising, given all the business they've gotten from me back in '08. I knew it'd be a relatively quick fix this time, being as that they're just looking at a tire. No extensive repairs were quoted, but the mechanic did give me the option of the $12.00 fix or the $20.00 repair job.

I opted for the double-sawbuck deluxe service this time, but just had to laugh to myself that at whatever level of service, this still exists. Well, you figure they're there to make a buck. There was a bit of a delay, during which time I sat in the waiting area out front, working a Sudoku puzzle and half-watching Interview with the Vampire(my girlfriend and I had watched it just last night on the 'big screen' TV at chez Roundly), and listening to the receptionist, mechanics and manager going about their day's business.

The mechanics of course check in with the manager on repair options, and I overheard the manager say to the mechanic in question, "what, you gave this guy the cheapest service?!" and implicit in this you could hear the ass-chewing that may well have followed. My eyebrows went up almost involuntarily, and the receptionist seemed to look over at me and notice. I heard her rack up a few bills from people offering the more- ahem, comprehensive service. And I heard her, back in the shop, behind the glass, getting a bit of a butt-chewing herself.

So they're under a lot of pressure from this manager, who is probably under some pressure himself from his boss the District Manager. And so on and so on and so on. For a relatively quick fix, I'll still give them my business. They do good work and are very nice to deal with. But to save a buck on all this, it's best to have a friend somewhere, a shade-tree mechanic who's going to tell you it's just a flat tire.

Almost makes you want to go back and get another degree in Automotive Technology though, or at least learn something about cars. That way you can get your automobile fixed without being taken for a ride...

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