
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Generic Ambition

Bob Sills has got what it takes to take him to the top!

Carole Waterford has got what it takes to take her to the top!

Ted and Alice Berford have got what it takes to take them to the top!

Yes, there's something that irritates me here, but I can't quite put my finger on it. The same undefinable paroxysm that shoots through me when I'm watching Wheel of Fortune and one of the contestants yells, "C'mon big money" when they spin(personally I think they should dock them when they say it). Maybe it's the unbridled greed, maybe the lack of personal imagination.

Whatever it is, it bugs me. I dunno about you, but I get tired of hearing people tell me they want to be World Champion, it gets--generic--after awhile. So I've had this idea for awhile now, a monthly magazine called Generic Ambition which featured nothing but the same stock quote, from and about 3 ambitious people. The types of work these individuals would be engaged in would be quite diverse, although the ambition and its expression much the same from person to person. You'd have three people who just plain want to be number one in their respective areas and will do what it takes to get there.

I've got what it takes to take me to the top!

Again, the type of work runs the gamut. Bob is an Insurance Agent, Carole a part-time cashier at Wal-Mart, and Ted and Alice are in a BeeGees/BeachBoys singing group(singing groups are usually prequalified, particularly if they're of the tribute variety). But despite the different paths they've chosen, they're all on their way to the top!

And of course there could be a Seminar/Workshop, with special motivational speakers- maybe a company called Winners Inc or some such nonsense. And from there, no doubt a photo gallery of all the people we've helped take to the top once things are off and running(provided it actually works!), as a testament to its success.

As to the seminar, I could see the program being patterned after the old David Carradine movie "Circle of Iron", where the protagonist, Cord, the young martial artist/philosopher who goes up against a series of adversaries on his way to Zetan, the great master who is also the keeper of the Book of All Knowledge. Cord is very focused through all this, and chops down a series of opponents(all played by Carradine)on his way to the master. "My goal is Zetan", he says at least once in the movie.

I could see that in the training program, to internalize Zetan, to personalize him into whatever or whoever is holding that book. The Book of All Knowledge, as it relates to your life and career aspirations. It could be the book of all Shoe knowledge, but if it helps get you to the top, that's the book, and Zetan(whoever or whatever he manifests himself to be to you)is its keeper. So the focus is on one's own personal Zetan.

Each session would begin with the trainer greeting the class, "G'morning class, what's your goal?" The class, as one, would respond, "My goal is Zetan!" And then from there, off to work..

Well whether that would actually happen is still up for grabs, but I do see a reality TV show in all this. It could definitely work. The only question is whether I'd actually watch such a piece of shit once it's off and running. Fair warning here: there may be more on this idea...

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