
Thursday, June 09, 2011

The Institute for Piss Removal- and other harebrained ideas

Seems like I've always had weird shit floating around between my ears. At the age of 8 or 9, I had a dream that I had a disease called funk, in which my eyes would blur and I'd levitate. And at the age of 56, I still have goofy bizarre-ass ideas that pop into my head. So of late I've taken to carrying around this "idea book" with me.

And so far it's yielded one blog, which I posted a week or so ago, called Anima/Animus. Plus this here blog. So far, the only new idea is one of those cerebral UFOs that just kinda appear between the ears: a business called THE INSTITUTE FOR PISS REMOVAL.

Hey, don't blame me. I didn't think of this. Well, I did, just not in any kind of conscious formulation is all. Just kind of occurred to me, and with no connection: I hadn't had to clean up any piss(I have three pets)and haven't been in an institutional setting, and don't think I need to be Institutionalized(you may disagree with this by the time you're done reading, however..). A mental non sequitir, got nothing to do with nothing.

The Institute for Piss Removal. It sorta works because it's both quasi-important sounding and completely stoopid. Pompous and hollow. This wasn't from a dream, just a midday sort of "reverie", if you can call it that- although it sounds like something from the world of dreamland.

I love the "place" these ideas come from, and am grateful that I have an occasional pass to there, to bring something back on my ephemeral visits. The imagination. I can't imagine life without it. So hopefully this little book will bring about more such ideas, which have little or no application in real life but are funny to read later.

The Institute for Piss Removal. Urine- you're out!

Okay, sorry for that one...

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