
Sunday, October 02, 2011

Celebrity Dump

I guess I'm thinking along the lines of a Reality TV Show, where different celebrities are filmed performing that usually brief but intimate personal act of elimination. Not too graphic, necessarily, most shots from the waist up would be fine- but we'd definitely want to catch that furrowed brow, that frown which signifies that a loaf is indeed being pinched. The act of defecation, which makes it a --Celebrity Dump.

Of course, this is where the actor's craft comes in. The struggle to release that recalcitrant rectal rocket, that leviathan Lincoln Log of fecal matter, and how that plays on his or her face. Or they could play it in less epic terms, as an everyday event, or with great subtlety of understatement. But this would be the climactic point of each celebrity episode: the release, and how it's played on the face of each celebrity taking a dump.

Now I didn't mean for this to include only the theatrical community(that would be Shitting with the Stars). No, Celebrity Dump would include celebrated persons who are not and will(hopefully)never be actors: politicians, lawyers, doctors, you name it just as long as they're--celebrated. Not too graphic, mind you--mostly shot from the waist up, but the wiping and flushing would be filmed in some manner.

No, the main thrust of this series is that all the people taking dumps are celebrated persons. People whose lives we often live vicariously. People we'd often rather be than ourselves. Sorta like Ozzy(???).

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