
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


This day at work was probably the Hiroshima of PPC. There was a long line of disgruntled folks from the time our doors opened at 8:30am until I left at 4:30. Part of this is just Our Shitty Economy, but exacerbated by the fact that we were missing 5 of our staff. I mean, they outnumber us anyway!

I'm getting pretty tired of disgruntled people in general, let alone a multiplicity of disgruntled's. Very tired of looking out in our lobby and seeing that line of unsmiling faces. When your day begins and ends this way it kinda changes the way you see the world. Your own personal Weltanschauung becomes a very bleak one.

Just last Saturday I mentioned this to one of my neighbors, that I was tired of all the negativity I have to deal with from our clients at work. "I'd like to work with happy people for a change", I lamented. 

"There are no happy people", he replied. Okay, he was making a grim-ass joke, but it gave me a bit of a chill. Actually it  reminded me of a scene from one of the Bodysnatcher remakes, where Meg Tilly(who is already 'transformed'), tells her husband "where ya gonna go? Where ya gonna hide? There is no one left like you. " 

Well I hope to Christ there is someone like me left in this world. Someone who is actually enjoying at least some aspect of their life and would rather share their happiness than their misery. 

That said, I do understand that one's misery is something one needs to talk out to some extent, otherwise it just festers and grows. Thank goodness there are Psychiatrists and Psychologists and Social Workers/Counselors to listen to our complaints and try to help us with our problems. I admire the patience you'd have to have(far exceeding mine)to work in one of these professions. 

I think I just heard one complaint too many today, that one straw that broke the Camel's back. And with that, I start thinking maybe it's time for Rog to get the fuck outa Dodge. 

At this juncture, I am 2 years and 2 months away from retirement. I've had a few moments this year(like today) which make me contemplate quitting, but so far I've been able to talk myself out of it. It'd be nice to make it all the way to the finish line, which is the best fiscal choice but maybe not the healthiest.  

We'll see.

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