
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Time Remaining(update)

Just about everybody I know who's worked a job(and especially a job for the State)starts to keep track of their time when they hit 5 years from retirement. You can't help it. And it's something that gets worse instead of better as you get closer. Well, okay, ultimately a whole lot better once you actually arrive, but like so many folks, I ain't there just yet.  

My date is September of 2014, from which the time remaining, at this point, is a year and ten months. So I'm on the countdown to the countdown to the countdown. This runs until the end of the year, at which point I'll be on the countdown to the countdown, which is an 8-month countdown. Come September of 2013, I'll be on the actual countdown, which is of course to the following September. I figure if I can make it through these first two countdowns, I've got 'er licked

Of course if the Mayans were right, it's all a moot point..

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