
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ahh SHIT!!

It's here. And this is just the beginning. Temperatures even colder than the frigid teens we've been experiencing, as well as any number of snowfalls. 

Yeah I know. Bitch bitch bitch. I'm not a fan of cold weather and never have been, but there are two saving graces of Winter- at least from my current perspective. 

For one thing, it feels so good when it's over. And it always ends, at least in this part of the world(a friend from Russia told me that where she lived, they had Winter for seven months out of the year!). I love the Spring, and perhaps even more, the anticipation of Spring. Personally I could cut Winter out of the equation entirely (just clip around the edges and sink that sucker!), but at least its harshness makes you appreciate "good" weather. 

Okay, secondly, I don't have to get out in it. Except for buying groceries, gassing up the vehicle, and playing a few gigs, there's no reason for me to go anywhere or do anything. If it's a freezing cold morning and I have enough food in the house I don't have to trudge out and start the vehicle and scrape the ice off the windshield(at least the sides and back), and then go off to work. 

As you can see from the picture, we're not in the dead of Winter just yet. I guess this is another thing to appreciate. But when we are, I'm sure I'll thank my lucky stars on those nasty-cold mornings when I can just remain in the warmth of house and hame. Maybe even listen to some Christmas music. I still loathe Winter, but I do like Christmas songs. Just as long as they're not sung by Chipmunks.


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