
Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Steatopygia, pronounced stay-at-o-PIE-jia, is defined as a high degree of fat on and around the buttocks- and also the front and side of the thighs. You'll find steatopygian women all over the world, but this condition is most commonly found among the khoisan women of southern Africa. 

Khoisan is a term unifying two different peoples of southern Africa, both nomadic: the khoi, also called khoikhoi(meaning "people people" or "real people")who are involved in pastoral agriculture(animal husbandry, the care of domestic animals and livestock); and san(also called Bushmen), the indigenous hunter-gatherers. When European immigrants settled there in 1652, they referred to the khoikhoi as Hottentots, now considered a pejorative term, a put-down. It might've been a mimicry of their language.
                                                        Steatopygia is considered a sign of great beauty in their women, the zenith of femininity. There's a drawing you can find online, (date unknown, but it obviously goes back a century or several)of a zaftig African woman with a most abundant behind, labelled Hotentott Venus. I don't include it here for two reasons: 1)it's clearly intended to be demeaning, or at least vaguely insulting; 2)it ain't that hot.
This is another steatopygian woman, one whom in my opinion has the aesthetic limit for butt. It's the limit of voluptuous(and I like voluptuous!), the limit of opulence before it becomes grotesque. Call me weird if you must, but I think she looks good. 

Personal taste. Someone else might look at this same gal, and their threshold of steatopygia may just start where mine ends. They may consider her just barely acceptable as far as her backfield. They may prefer someone like this:
You may laugh, but there are those who would find that extremely arousing. Found in the khoisan women of southern Africa, and at Wal-Marts all over(but definitely in the southern US).

I got the word steatopygia from, of all places, a Paul Simon movie. Come to think of it, I think he only made one--so, the Paul Simon movie. One Trick Pony. I don't remember how it's used, but it's in there. For some reason it popped into my mind, and I tracked it down. 

So yeah, I guess I like women with some of this characteristic, though the one at the grocery store pictured above would pretty much be my limit. 

Well now you have 3 Butt Blogs here at Roger U Roundly. Didn't plan on writing this third one, just happened. More to come, butt-related or not. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Related favorite word. WTF?!?! No FB sign in? Huh... Dennis here.
