
Monday, February 17, 2014

Now THIS time he's gone too far!

This is clearly a moment of intense concentration for the young gymnast pictured here. She's on her way someplace, as far as the purposefulness of her motion. I wasn't there, so I don't know what preceded or followed it, but here we have this moment frozen in time. 
And, speaking of being "frozen in time", being stuck in a sort of chrono-cryogenesis(did that work?), I'm reminded of an old Twilight Zone episode, titled "A Kind of Stopwatch". A guy gets a special kind of watch that can stop time- and then re-start it of course, all with the push of a button. Of course this ends up backfiring on him in that very Twilight Zone ironic way, characteristic of Serling's writing and also Charles Beaumont's(my favorite Twilight Zone writer, even more than Serling- sorry, Rod!).

But still. Being able to stop the rest of the world and then re-start it at your convenience would be quite a heady feeling. You would dine and shop for free at all times- anything you could get for yourself would be yours. Wow. All merchandise. Pretty much anyway.

Of course sex would have to figure in there someplace. Childish as it may be, you'd have to indulge the inevitable voyeurism that would rise in you. Okay, I guess I'm making a boner joke here, what the hell. But you'd end up checking something out. A shower room. I dunno. Something. 

And then you have a moment like this one caught on film. If you were there, and froze the action with your special camera right at that moment, so that only you moved or did anything--what would you do? 

Right. That's what I thought. I probably would too. You'd have to! It's something you'd never get to do in 'real life'(well not screwing somebody per se, but the special circumstances), a once-in-a-lifetime kind of event. Even though the lifetime in question was fabricated at that moment. 

Case in point: some years back I worked in a local music store giving lessons. I was hanging around the front counter, and the clerk/bookkeeper was looking for a particular file. "I can't find Pavlov" she said. "Hm, that name rings a bell", I replied. 

Now that's probably the only time in this life that I'll get the opportunity to use that old line! Similarly, this would probably be my one chance to do something like that. It does seem creepy to me though--I started to call it a kind of necrophilia, but it's more like making it with an extremely drunk chick. After she's passed out.(No I've never done that.Even I have my limits.). 

Still, just to know you did it. You had sex with a gymnast(well, sort of)right in the middle of her performance! Even though once you got back to your seat and clicked your watch to resume the action it would mess up her routine. Might be a slightly delayed reaction, but there would be one. 

I wouldn't want anything to harm her routine, but it would really be worse for me(or whoever perpetrated this stopwatch shenanigan), more emasculating,  if she didn't have any kind of reaction and just finished out like nothing had happened! Now that would be an ironic, retributive Twilight Zone ending. Just like Serling or Beaumont would write it.     

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