
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Resuming Transmission- again.

  The again in the title indicates that, yes, this isn't the first time I've dropped out and then back in again. The will to blog comes and goes- an alternating current, as it were- so I'm off and on with it just like I am with musical performances.
I think in both instances it's a need to step back and re-group for awhile. With the blogs, though, it's also a case of just letting more stuff, more lifestuff accumulate. And it's that lifestuff buildup that brings about more blogs. Blogging, for me, is often a kind of depressurization.
  My last one, Women 101, was probably not the cheeriest I've ever posted , but hopefully it was at least a fun depressing read. Entertainingly lugubrious(or, better, lugubrious lite). What can I say? I was in a deep blue funk. It's best to get that stuff out of you, to expel its toxins from your system. And of course you try to do so without taking your reader to a Funeral..
   (Always liked that expression. There was an intern in our office a couple years back, a young lady from Lithuania, whose English was excellent--no, I never had her say moose and squirrel, although the temptation was there!--but of course some American expressions were new to her. Foreign, even. I described a particularly dour client to her thusly, and of course she took me literally: this client was driving me, transporting me to Kirlin Egan Funeral Home or another such facility!)
   But I digress(!). So here we are in July. More lifestuff. I still haven't passed Women 101, but figure sooner or later I'll have taken that second-semester Shop class for the last time, and will actually graduate. Since April's plaintive post, I've been taking another course, as it turns out. I'm doing it for a variety of reasons, but it just might help me pass Women 101. 
   For about six weeks now, I've been working out at a local fitness center,  two 60 minute sessions every week, under the tutelage of one of their trainers.  Cardio, plus exercises for every muscle group in the body. Whatever the outcome,  at least I'm taking responsibility for my appearance, and taking steps to improve it. 

More on all this thrilling stuff as we go. Rog is back in action. 

Oh yeah. I never did get around to the picture. Gee, what can I say about it? Welll, it made me laugh. And I figured it'd make you laugh too. That's about the long and short of it.


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