
Saturday, November 08, 2014

Astral Adventures with Mooark and Lifftenza

Half the fun of going off to sleep every night is whatever awaits you in the land of your dreams. Sometimes it's dark and disturbing, but more often just entertainingly bizarre. A parallel here on the good ol' Physical Plane might be the human phenomena you see on the streets of New York City.(And yes, this is half the fun of going to New York!).

I've had strange dreams ever since I can remember. The earliest recollection was when I was around 8 or 9, and in the dream I had a malady called Funk, wherein my eyes would blur and I'd levitate. 

And it's never gotten any better. Not all of my astral adventures rock the bizarre-o-meter quite so soundly, but most have a degree of weirdness. They at least register. 

Last night's dream theatre seemed significant as it involved two women I know but only through Facebook. Your nocturnal adventures are peopled with potentially anybody in your address book, but these two I've never met and don't know them as physical presences. Our relationships are, at least at this point, on a non-physical plane. And here I am dreaming about them on what's widely referred to as a non-physical plane. 

Hm. I wonder if you're acquainted on a non-physical plane, and then dream about them on a non-physical plane, do they(or you)get any kind of special rate?

Guess that's a question that will be answered in its proper time. On to the dream. It involved these two women I know through Facebook. Of course I can't give out their names, and they may not mean anything to you anyway unless you know them(not that they have no notoriety of their own, but you know what I mean), so let's call them Mooark and Lifftenza. (Strangely enough, those are names like you'd come up with in your dreams. Again, the bizarre-o-meter..)

So Mooark and Lifftenza and I are driving someplace. There are controls but no real car. Still,  I'm doing the driving, and am checking out an mp3 file/device  Lifftenza has given me. It's very high-tech.. There's an event of some kind that's happened or about to happen. Also a brief interlude where I'm sitting on the sidewalk and someone helps me to my feet. Lifftenza and I are talking about stuff, and Mooark is kind of peripheral in the scene but still there.

On the floorboard of the car(which is vast, going on forever)are several pairs of shoes strewn around every which way. This is a parallel to the A/C vent in my bedroom, which had shoes around it in similar disarray. At one point, we all get out of the car. I notice the shoes, four or five pairs of different shoes(I don't own that many in real life) which are all neatly arranged along the floorboard, and I realize that Mooark has done this for me. Warm feeling for Mooark in here. 

And then it's time to go. Lifftenza asks me, "Roger, are you leaving us?" I don't remember my response, but it was affirmative. Yes, Lillie, I'm leavin' the farm. Shortly thereafter, I woke up. 

There was more stuff in there- I remember a moment, after Mooark had left,  when I said something about gathering up my accoutrements(clearly in an attempt here to impress Lifftenza with my vocabulary), but the minute you wake up it starts to fade, starts to crumble into dust. Still, an interesting time, and with some very unlikely people. But that's often a great feature of one's nightly astral adventures. You just never know who you'll meet. 

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