Why is my life so much harder'n everybody else's?

That's my favorite line from the movie Roadie. Starring Meatloaf and a cast of several, none of whom I can remember right now. But as problems assail him throughout the movie he is heard to utter that line, as if wailing to the heavens..
It was pretty much my motto yesterday. Or maybe no good deed goes unpunished. Kind of a toss-up there. I had(and still have)a charley-horse in my shoulder from helping load a PA cabinet into somebody's truck after a Thursday night gig-and, more significantly, a hell of a domestic pet situation waiting for me when I came home for lunch.
Some time ago here in the Roundly household we had an unwelcome guest in the form of a rather large rodent. As it turned out, my dog Lester got him, but I had various traps and glue-boards set up in the kitchen just in case. Well, upon acquiring two kittens, I threw away all the traps and glue-boards from downstairs so my new residents wouldn't get in any trouble. Felt pretty good about these preventative measures.
Well as it turns out I missed one. I'd set up a glue-board underneath a lawn mower in the kitchen(yes I guess that makes me a hillbilly having my lawn mower there!), and forgot all about it. The kittens had pulled it out from there and one of them- Jill- was severely stuck on it. Impaled. I mean, damn near inextricably stuck.
This was quite a sight to come home to. I felt like I was watching something from Invasion of the Body Snatchers, with a mutated kitty ready to emerge from the goo to join the other space automatons. And then of course get her sister changed over. "Sleeep, Cindy, sleeep. It's goood.."
It was pretty much my motto yesterday. Or maybe no good deed goes unpunished. Kind of a toss-up there. I had(and still have)a charley-horse in my shoulder from helping load a PA cabinet into somebody's truck after a Thursday night gig-and, more significantly, a hell of a domestic pet situation waiting for me when I came home for lunch.
Some time ago here in the Roundly household we had an unwelcome guest in the form of a rather large rodent. As it turned out, my dog Lester got him, but I had various traps and glue-boards set up in the kitchen just in case. Well, upon acquiring two kittens, I threw away all the traps and glue-boards from downstairs so my new residents wouldn't get in any trouble. Felt pretty good about these preventative measures.
Well as it turns out I missed one. I'd set up a glue-board underneath a lawn mower in the kitchen(yes I guess that makes me a hillbilly having my lawn mower there!), and forgot all about it. The kittens had pulled it out from there and one of them- Jill- was severely stuck on it. Impaled. I mean, damn near inextricably stuck.
This was quite a sight to come home to. I felt like I was watching something from Invasion of the Body Snatchers, with a mutated kitty ready to emerge from the goo to join the other space automatons. And then of course get her sister changed over. "Sleeep, Cindy, sleeep. It's goood.."
So I got her free from the clutches of the glue-board, at which point(to my great relief)she sprang back to action with full use of her limbs, and then off to a nearby Animal Hospital. They'd seen a lot of me with my previous cat Maxine and her health problems over the last couple months- but this visit, for what it's worth, set a precedent. This was their first "glue emergency".
They were able to get most of it off her, and no real damage was done. A few remaining sticky spots, which I worked on a bit with Cooking Oil(recommended for removing glue--I now know this). Jill of course was working on it as well, and her sister Cindy tried to 'groom' her a bit, which seemed to piss her off. Scraggly but alive and well. And, I think, greatly relieved herself to have survived this little escapade.
I don't know that it makes you stronger by any means, but what doesn't kill you at least makes a good story later. And if it happens again, you don't worry so much over it since you've survived it once. For that matter, my description of Jill would also apply to me. Scraggly but alive and well.
Still, just why is my life so much harder'n everybody else's?
They were able to get most of it off her, and no real damage was done. A few remaining sticky spots, which I worked on a bit with Cooking Oil(recommended for removing glue--I now know this). Jill of course was working on it as well, and her sister Cindy tried to 'groom' her a bit, which seemed to piss her off. Scraggly but alive and well. And, I think, greatly relieved herself to have survived this little escapade.
I don't know that it makes you stronger by any means, but what doesn't kill you at least makes a good story later. And if it happens again, you don't worry so much over it since you've survived it once. For that matter, my description of Jill would also apply to me. Scraggly but alive and well.
Still, just why is my life so much harder'n everybody else's?
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