R.I.P c.u.p

Well since there aren't supposed to be any accidents in the Universe, I guess it had to happen. And it had to happen just when and how it happened. I was in the bathroom, had it in my hand, experienced a butterfingers moment, it slipped out of my hand, fell against the porcelain surface of the toilet and shattered into two pieces.
I'm talking about my coffee cup. Not just any coffee cup mind you, but my favorite coffee cup. The one I always reached for here at home, the one that was always there for me(well except for the times the cleaning lady uses too much Palmolive to clean it and I've gotta soak it in water to get the detergent taste out). A lot of coffee has been poured into that cup over the years. It's served me a lot of cups of joe, morning noon and night, my sturdy Vessel of Java. And now it's gone.
Shattered into pieces in a mere second. Amazing how your whole world can change like that in just the blink of an eye. From being a person with his favorite coffee cup to a person without that fave kitchen utensil. A cupless eunuch. From day to night.
Then again, even though it was my favorite coffee cup, it was after all just a damn coffee cup for Chrissake. I mean, I didn't have a cute nickname for it or anything or take it to bed with me. It was just the cup I was, shall we say, accustomed to.
So the search for a new Main Cup is now on. I have other cups in the cupboard for the time being to cover, but it's just not the same. Just personal taste, but I like my coffee cup just a little bigger, more capacious than average. Gotta hit a store or two- probably Wal-Mart, which as I remember has a whole wing of such items- which should take care of this Coffee Cup Conundrum.
It's been long enough now since my cup fell and shattered. A day is probably enough time to mourn a coffee cup. I'm ready to move on. Rest in pieces, cher cup. You've served me well.
I'm talking about my coffee cup. Not just any coffee cup mind you, but my favorite coffee cup. The one I always reached for here at home, the one that was always there for me(well except for the times the cleaning lady uses too much Palmolive to clean it and I've gotta soak it in water to get the detergent taste out). A lot of coffee has been poured into that cup over the years. It's served me a lot of cups of joe, morning noon and night, my sturdy Vessel of Java. And now it's gone.
Shattered into pieces in a mere second. Amazing how your whole world can change like that in just the blink of an eye. From being a person with his favorite coffee cup to a person without that fave kitchen utensil. A cupless eunuch. From day to night.
Then again, even though it was my favorite coffee cup, it was after all just a damn coffee cup for Chrissake. I mean, I didn't have a cute nickname for it or anything or take it to bed with me. It was just the cup I was, shall we say, accustomed to.
So the search for a new Main Cup is now on. I have other cups in the cupboard for the time being to cover, but it's just not the same. Just personal taste, but I like my coffee cup just a little bigger, more capacious than average. Gotta hit a store or two- probably Wal-Mart, which as I remember has a whole wing of such items- which should take care of this Coffee Cup Conundrum.
It's been long enough now since my cup fell and shattered. A day is probably enough time to mourn a coffee cup. I'm ready to move on. Rest in pieces, cher cup. You've served me well.
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