Sunday, September 05, 2010

wake n' bake weekend

Feels pretty damn good too! All I know is I woke up today feeling a little more peaceful than usual- and for one who's genetically predisposed toward just the opposite frame of mind, that's an extra bonus. Saturday is generally my wake n' bake day of the week, and this past one served admirably as far as getting a few kinks out of my system. That plus a good night's sleep prompted me to just keep doin' what I'm doin'(or not doin', as the case may be), to declare this a wake n' bake weekend!

Wake n' bake weekend. I suppose you could set it to music, perhaps to the tune of Rock n' Roll High School. So I'm havin' me a wake n' bake weekend, only without the music of the Ramones. And certainly without that stoopid movie. Well okay I've never seen it in its entirety, but what I did see was abysmally dumb. Wake n' bake nonetheless.

Unlike its original connotation, wake n' bake doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with consumption of substances. A wake n' bake day is one in which you never get out of your bathrobe. You will hopefully enjoy the hell out of the day, but never 'address' it.

So you can have a perfectly dandy wake n' bake day just drinking coffee. But one's substance of choice definitely enhances the experience. Or so I'm told. Well, if you'll excuse me I have a wake n' bake weekend (sans The Ramones and PJ Soles)to get back to.


My brother tells me Rock n' Roll High School is not too bad. So maybe I'll suspend judgment until I've seen it from start to finish. I may conclude that it is abysmally dumb, but at least I'll have seen it. I did like "I wanna be sedated" by the Ramones, though I liked Devo better as far as bands of that era. And PJ Soles was real cute in Stripes. So much for disclaimers. But I hate to talk sheis about people or things--except maybe those fucking Chipmunks!

But I digress.


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