Monday, November 21, 2005


Man, it's a bitch starting the work-week. I feel the same vague dread and apprehension toward Monday morning that women do about their periods. According to my ex-wife(though I'm sure it varies from woman to woman, and perhaps from period to period)it's the worst right before it starts, and at its onset, but once it's going, it's not as big a deal. So it is with the work-week. Once it's in motion, you're going with it, following the current of the week's activities, but getting started is rough. Especially if you're not much of a morning person anyway, and have a job where you sometimes have to hit the ground running. A jarring experience.

Like Garfield, I hate Mondays.

Actually Garfield would have no reason to have any feelings about Monday one way or the other. I mean, it's not like he does anything, for that matter. Being a cat, his main daily concerns besides eating and shitting(I don't know if he's been neutered or not as far as that other concern)and irritating others are in finding places to take his series of naps(my cat has a sort of "nap rotation" thing going, with the bed, chair, dresser and certain floor locations: her "N Spots".)

No, for Monday to have any signifigance, positive or negative, you have to Go Someplace and Do Something(preferably something you'd just as soon Not Do, and in a place you'd rather not Go To). And then have 4 more days just like it followed by 2 days where you don't have to go anyplace you don't want to go, or do anything you don't want to do. Then when you go back to the 5 days of Doing Stuff You'd Just As Soon Not Do, Monday will mean something...

Cats, whether cartoon or real, basically do what they want to do when they want to do it. They spit in the face of Monday morning by their very existence. Ah, to be a cat. But then you get furballs, and have other cat problems. Like maybe other cats, or at least a dog who acts like a jerk by 'blocking' the doorways and other antics..

Anyway. As to often-manic Monday, one person I work with(who, unlike myself, is actually a morning person and thus rarin' to go at the bell, in dramatic contrast to my reluctant entry into the workday)has a more carpe diem approach to the week's beginning. "It's another chance to get it right", she says. Fortunately she's learned not to talk to me too much first thing in the morning, unless absolutely necessary..

Well actually, life(depending of course on your metaphysics)is itself 'another chance to get it right', and every week is a sliver of that chance, or perhaps that chance-for-rectitude in microcosm, however you want to see it. By 10:30 or so, 2 hours into the workday, with a couple cups of coffee in me, all this makes more sense.

Personally I have things I wanna 'get right' of course in my life, but I don't really look at them on a week-by-week basis in terms of their resolution. Every week seems to have its own twist, as far as things thrown at me in the 'getting it right' department, so I look at each week individually.

No, every Monday is in fact a return from the relative peace and quiet of home to the cacophony of the office--well, at least the one I work in, replete with phones printers and complaining. It's a chance to earn just a little more money and build up one more week toward that time when you can finally get yourself that Mondayectomy you've been saving for--also known as retirement.


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