Life is a shit sandwich and every day is another bite

Ah the vicissitudes of life! My computer is malfunctioning of late, moving slower than smoke off a turd if at all. Can't get on and pontificate from my News page, so here I am at Roger U Roundly. This blogsite seems to be my one avenue of expression until I get this thing fixed.
I recently purchased a defective set of DVDs(or would one say set of defective DVDs?), and noting their unplayability on my DVD player, have tried them here in the computer. Maybe this is my fuckup as far as my computer now malfunctioning. Ahh, shit!
But these things can and will be fixed, so no big whoop as it were. Speaking of defective DVDs, the place NOT to buy from is TVDVDmania. At least not the Twilight Zone Collection. But it would figure from the low quality of the TZ that their other such collections would similarly suck wind.
I must admit I get somewhat outraged when things just plain don't work--particularly when I've plunked down money for it. A discounted price, but gee now I know why!
Might have inherited this indignation as far as that goes. One memory, one which my brother and I still laugh about on occasion, is from a family dinner at Howard Johnson's. I must've been 13 or 14, which would've made my brother 9 or 10. It was a pretty bad meal, apparently my Dad's portion in particular. He left no tip, just a note: your food is swill.
Swill. What a great word! I may laugh about it, mainly the almost flaming indignation my Dad held toward the kitchen staff at HoJo's, but I certainly understand the sentiment, having just received the audiovisual equivalent in my Twilight Zone Collection.. And with it, no small degree of indignation.
Just as you'd figure, the episodes freeze right at a crucial point in the story. So you have to get up and reset everything, losing your hardon in the process. So to speak.
Life can indeed be likened to a shit sandwich. But it is also very much like the Monty Python TV announcement:
"We interrupt this program for three reasons:
1)to irritate you
3)--- "
I don't remember reasons 2 or 3, but that first one is sufficient. Of course it's my own subjective experience, evaluated subjectively,but it does seem that my life, when it does go wrong, does so in just the way that'll piss me off the most!
So I have a less-than-functional computer and some less-than-functional DVDs(which may, I'll admit, have cause this mess). I've had many less-than-functional things in my life, be they appliances or relationships. Sometimes I could even say my life is swill.
But as for today, right now, it's a beautiful sunny day out there. I'm gainfully employed, with most of my hair and teeth. Got enough food and supplies to keep three critters going for at least the weekend. And at least this blogsite works. Though I guess I'll find out when I try and post this fucker. So I could do worse. Happy Keester.
I recently purchased a defective set of DVDs(or would one say set of defective DVDs?), and noting their unplayability on my DVD player, have tried them here in the computer. Maybe this is my fuckup as far as my computer now malfunctioning. Ahh, shit!
But these things can and will be fixed, so no big whoop as it were. Speaking of defective DVDs, the place NOT to buy from is TVDVDmania. At least not the Twilight Zone Collection. But it would figure from the low quality of the TZ that their other such collections would similarly suck wind.
I must admit I get somewhat outraged when things just plain don't work--particularly when I've plunked down money for it. A discounted price, but gee now I know why!
Might have inherited this indignation as far as that goes. One memory, one which my brother and I still laugh about on occasion, is from a family dinner at Howard Johnson's. I must've been 13 or 14, which would've made my brother 9 or 10. It was a pretty bad meal, apparently my Dad's portion in particular. He left no tip, just a note: your food is swill.
Swill. What a great word! I may laugh about it, mainly the almost flaming indignation my Dad held toward the kitchen staff at HoJo's, but I certainly understand the sentiment, having just received the audiovisual equivalent in my Twilight Zone Collection.. And with it, no small degree of indignation.
Just as you'd figure, the episodes freeze right at a crucial point in the story. So you have to get up and reset everything, losing your hardon in the process. So to speak.
Life can indeed be likened to a shit sandwich. But it is also very much like the Monty Python TV announcement:
"We interrupt this program for three reasons:
1)to irritate you
3)--- "
I don't remember reasons 2 or 3, but that first one is sufficient. Of course it's my own subjective experience, evaluated subjectively,but it does seem that my life, when it does go wrong, does so in just the way that'll piss me off the most!
So I have a less-than-functional computer and some less-than-functional DVDs(which may, I'll admit, have cause this mess). I've had many less-than-functional things in my life, be they appliances or relationships. Sometimes I could even say my life is swill.
But as for today, right now, it's a beautiful sunny day out there. I'm gainfully employed, with most of my hair and teeth. Got enough food and supplies to keep three critters going for at least the weekend. And at least this blogsite works. Though I guess I'll find out when I try and post this fucker. So I could do worse. Happy Keester.
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