The Perils of Pauline

It was Friday, and I was heading for my usual and customary take-home meal from Taco Gringo. Two Sanchos w/ no lettuce and medium sauce, and an order of Mexican Rice. Sometimes I get a Pepsi to go with it, but that's my order every time out. So yeah, I'm heading east on Vine, and find this chilling scene once I get to Spring Street. Had to take a detour, due to the street being blocked off.
I didn't know what to think at the time, but heard about it on the news, after I'd returned home from my circuitous drive to Taco Gringo. It was a murder, but they didn't give the victim's name.
Found this out later, from a phone message. Turns out, it's someone I know. Hadn't seen her in some years, but we did run in at least intersecting circles for awhile in there. I gave her a couple guitar lessons back when, to do with jazz improv, and we played together in a band- her on bass and me on guitar. It was fronted by a local singer, who used to do a variety of stuff from jazz to country. I told my wife at the time that her engagement ring was paid for by "lotsa choruses of Delta Dawn".
So that's my connection. Again, someone I hadn't seen or thought of in years, but now that I remember, a very nice person, pleasant to be with. Sorry to see you go, Pauline. I had fun playing gigs with you, even if we did have to play endless choruses of Delta Dawn.
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