evil TV

I've got one of those TVs and VCRs in my bedroom which are fast approaching Stegosaurus status as far as workability. The VCR is currently stuck on cable channel 40, which is MSNBC. I sometimes watch the news and have an occasional morbid curiosity about the show "Lock Up".
So I've been watching the channel 40 fare of late, while I figure out what to do with the recalcitrant VCR, and on comes a show called "To Catch a Predator". On it, sexual 'predators'(or those who could be termed "predator-curious")are lured to a domestic location, a private home, wherein the show's host, Chris Hansen, then appears like an Evil Allen Funt, to let them know what's going on. From there, upon leaving the premises, the show's 'guests' are arrested and booked.
Personally, if it were my show, I'd have some kind of sound effect when Chris Hansen came out to greet the guest, something like the doorbell from The Addams Family(or was it The Munsters?). And unless they had a prior record(or a prior appearance on the show!)I wouldn't have them arrested. I mean, being on national television for something like this is enough punishment, I should think..
So I really need to get this VCR fixed. Or set to friendlier programming. I don't think Allen Funt ever had anybody arrested on Candid Camera, did he?
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