Monday, August 14, 2006

Where the Action Is(n't)

I have a friend who once commented, in reference to physical exercise, " I dislike movement of any kind". It was said semi-jokingly, with light seriousness, but still in deep stentorian tones as if it were a pronouncement from Zeus or something.

With this I replied that he probably would just as soon not appear in corporeal form, possibly to be more content as perhaps some sort of temperature or gas. Something more atmospheric. Boy, talk about your built-in ambience..

While I'm not discounting the possible existence of beings in the form of temperatures or gases- in fact they may account for some of my readership here-I'm assuming that at last most of the folks who read this blog are in bodily form, with all its requisite functions. Folks who, if this were in print, would probably be reading it while performing one of said bodily functions.

Personally I like movement, and even like exercise(but only once it's underway-the initial push can take some doing). But rather than spend all day on the couch, or all day running amok Doing Stuff, I take the Great Middle Way and putter. That is, divide my time and energy among several activities: on the computer playing Poker(and occasionally writing this drivel), on the guitar, maybe even cleaning house or mowing grass, and yes some couch time.

So I'm probably not a true slug. I do joke about my sluglike proclivities, referring to my TV room on the main floor as The Sloth Center, where a fair amount of weekend time is logged recuperating from the workweek, but I'm still really too active to qualify for True Slughood. No, after a couple hours in the Sloth Center, I can start to feel my whole body turning invertebrate--going from figurative to literal slug, soon to slither off the couch and toward the kitchen--and then know it's time to get up and about.

I also have a TV upstairs in my bedroom, also referred to as Sloth Center North, but the main Sloth Center on the ground floor is really where the action is. Or should I say, where the action isn't.

Well, we're all different. At one end of the spectrum sits my sedentary friend who 'dislikes movement of any kind' and at the other a much more rabbity individual than myself. One of the few areas in life where I find myself in the middle of the road..


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