Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dream Slice

My mind is still swimming a bit from a dream I had, one of those late-in-the-game, REM cycle dramas. Frank Zappa had something to do in there, maybe I was going to see him perform. It was a small building, kinda like a college campus's rec room. Walking around outside I met this girl, looked a bit like one I know in real life- on the physical plane, as it were. A casual friendly acquaintance, but one I always considered attractive. Worth at least investigating taking things to that 'next level'..
Anwyay, so I meet this 'dream girl'. Her name is Esme. We talk a bit, and a vibe seems to pass over us. A nice one. So she agrees to go out with me, and then a friend passes by on something in between a car and- well it has a chassis at any rate- looking fairly clownish, as if he were heading somewhere to be a clown for money.
Some other things happened, but they've all but faded. Mainly I remember meeting this Esme chick. I do remember in the dream trying to expound on what had happened between me and her to her, and that kind of going nowhere. Not negative results, necessarily, just a kind of blank no-reaction. Which is I guess the point: when you try to grasp it, it just melts in your hands. Not in your mouth..

The only Esme I ever heard of was from a JD Salinger story called "To Esme, with Love and Squalor", from Salinger's Nine Stories. For what it's worth, Salinger's Esme was a young blonde schoolgirl of 12 or 13; mine a brunette of I hope legal age *. But that's my one point of reference as far as the name Esme.

So, a nibble on the Astral Plane. An Astral phone number, as it were. This happens in life, where I'll get a nibble in the form of a phone number. Doesn't always pan out(nor should it I suppose), quite often I'll get the interview but not the job. Sometimes they are the ones who get the interview from me but not an actual offer of employment. Just like in life, I got the interview. Maybe I'll run into her again, on one plane or another

* I'm making no inference here that the Esme in Salinger's story was any kind of Lolita, just a tacky joke on my part.It was there, what can I say?


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