Thursday, August 09, 2007


A great sigh of relief here in the land of Roundly. Embarking today on the first of what could be called a 6-day weekend. I feel a bit like Christopher Columbus sailing the vast ocean to new depths of sloth and inactivity. Well some folks dive right into a sea of projects and activities, me I jump up into that lazy river- at least for the first couple days.

I have accomplished a few things though: got up abnormally early(6 in the am), won a Poker tournament on Hoyle's(well, 2nd Place for 7-card stud, but hey it's something- $100,000 cyber-dollars..), did a bit of practicing. And I do have a few things to get done as far as Things to Get Done. But they can wait. Got enough basic supplies for one human, one dog and one cat for awhile. (Hmm, somehow I lost my original font, this one will do I guess).

Unlike my last vacation, back in April, it's a beautiful sunny day outside (albeit hot as all get-out), the kind of day you want to see out there if the day is yours. Last time out it rained or threatened to rain every day of my vacation, until Sunday- the day before I was to go back. And naturally every day the week I went back to work was picture-perfect. It was almost funny, in an ironic, just-my-fuckin'-luck sort of way.

One thing I'm sitting here enjoying is the silence. The only sound going on here is my fingers on the keyboard and the window-unit here in Rog Central keeping me from roasting. If I were down at the office, there'd be the keyboard sound plus printers, phones, people complaining, us talking, plus assorted coughs n' wheezes I'd just as soon not go into depth about. Sometimes the cacophony overwhelms a bit, particularly a mid-morning or mid-afternoon when all the elements are going. I call it the PPC Level. PPC stands for phones, printers and complaining- the basic ambience of our office, being what it is as far as function/service.

Besides the lowered decibel level, I'm also enjoying another kind of silence. Seems like everybody in there, be they staff or client, has some sort of struggle going on--and of course in this group I would include myself. Along with the physical noise, you have the psychic equivalent in everyone's basic issues, the things everyone is striving to do in their job or their lives.

We humans make a lot of noise, all around.

So I'm enjoying the peace and quiet. A beautiful day beckons. More blogs to follow.


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