Crazy Beautiful

"Crazy beautiful". That's what I was saying to myself this morning as I opened the blinds and shades to let the day in, and felt bombarded with sunlight- certainly more than I'd seen in the past couple days.
A bright sunny day after three dark and dismal ones is crazy beautiful, downright surreal. The light is almost too intense, to where you feel that any minute the smile of sunlight will turn into a hideous scowl. Almost too nice a day. You're waiting for that other shoe to drop.
Fortunately, no dropped shoe, Alan Funt didn't appear in any form to tell me it was all just a showbiz thing, the day stayed beautiful for its entire run.
Of course, it's all relative. Both extremes create each other. But that also presupposes that the person experiencing the day is on an even keel themselves. With a brutal hangover for instance(something I haven't experienced since my early 30's)a day like today would be an oppressive pain in the ass.
You'd be saying, "please, give me a dark dismal-ass day I don't have to pull the shades on". Thus, dark n' dismal would be the refreshing(or at least non-invasive)day, the positive option.
But for me, with pretty much enough sleep last night and no hangover, an almost crazy beautiful day. Almost too good to be true. But just almost.
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