Tacos for Gringos

We all have our things that get us through the week. Besides the promise of Friday off in the distance, one of mine is a Taco Gringo restaurant that came up in our neighborhood about a year ago. It's become my usual-and-customary spot for dinner on Friday, signifying the beginning of the weekend.
Being a creature of habit, I take my every-Friday-at-Taco-Gringo thing a step further and pretty much always get the same meal: two Sanchos with no lettuce and medium sauce, and an order of "Mexican rice". I mentioned this to a co-worker, my choice of cuisine, and he cracked up.
"That's hilarious! A couple of Sanchos! You do know what a Sancho is, don't you?"
I had to confess that I didn't know this other meaning, the Sancho Subtext, as it were..
"A Sancho is the guy who screws your wife while you're in Prison!"
Well, actually a Sancho, as defined by the Online Urban Dictionary, is the other man. From there it can have different shades of meaning, but the most common is the inmate usage. I thought perhaps some of the other menu items would have other definitions, and asked about Burrito.
Nothing there. Sometimes a Burrito is just a Burrito. I did look up Taco, though, and the basic etymology is "filling a hole". Hmm. Still good food, and I'll still eat there every Friday so long as it's good food, but it'll be tough now to order a Sancho with a straight face. Or a Taco for that matter.
And the name Taco Gringo is just a little bit funnier, thanks to their menu items. At least the ones I know about..
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